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CQ World Wide WPX Contest

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2E1FVSSA LP ALLJust giving some points out with my Intermediate licence call sign, not many 2E1's left. Nice to see what 50W and Vertical GP's can do. Thanks to all, 73 GL de 2E1FVS(M0HOM)
4E1ASO LP ALLThanks for the contest
4K6FOSO LP ALLTNX all best 73 cu Used IC-745 100 wats and GP antennas 160-80m and 20-10m GP
4O6ZDSO LP 40MLot of stations
4S7KMSO LP ALLvery good contest I like cw always
4U1ITUMSHThanks to all for the QSO's. It was a fun contest from 4U1ITU. CONTEST CLUB AFFILIATION: N4QX - Potomac Valley Radio Club (PVRC) and VA3SB - Contest Club Ontario (CCO)
4U29MAYSO HP ALL4U1GSC special call to mark International UN Peacekeepers' day, 29 May
4X70ASO HP 15Mstrange condions on Sunsday !
7J3AOZSO LP ALLEnjoyed this contest.73
7K1JFMSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K1MAG/2SO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest. I have operated in JA2 area
7K1VKUSO LP ALLI enjoyed the contest
7K4AEASA HP 20MI enjoyed the contest
7K4GURSO HP ALLI enjoyed the contest. QRV Only 27May
7L2LEGSA QRP 20MNo comment
8J1ITUMMThank you from Kasumigaura-shi, Ibaragi, Japan for many contacts. We enjoyed the contest
8S0WSA HP ALLLoc.JO99BA Muskoe isl
9A36WSO QRP 40MMy first QRP entry with anniversary call sign. Thank you all. 73
9A3SMSSA LP 40Mlicensed 25.5.2017. this is my first cq wpx contest 73 Sergio
9H3EESO LP ALLElecraft K3 - 90 Watt 10mtr Vertical
AA1TR/5SO QRP ALLRIG KX2 at 5W, ANT OCF wire Running on single internal battery throughout the contest. From Portable QTH Bucaneer State Park, Waveland, MS
AA5AUSA HP ALLBand conditions were much better than expected
AA8TASA LP ALLDid not have much time to spend on this. For a while, 20 meters into EU was pretty good on Saturday but not quite as good on Sunday. Also had some nice 15 meter openings on Saturday. Thanks for the Qs. Kenwood TS-590SG, barefoot GAP Titan, 16 feet AGL
AB0SSO HP ALLDoing the best I can with 500 watts and a 25' ground mounted vertical
AB5ZA/7SO LP ALLKenwood TS-440SAT and TS-130. 60-100W out and 11 wire antennas at 28-39 Ft. AGL. 5430 Ft. MSL, DN36 for grid Square
AC5AASO LP ALLFinally put in the time to set up the Flex for CW contesting, and was surprised how easy it was once I understood how to make it sing. Only had a few hours to work, so spent it doing S&P. Here's my meager offering
AC9PGSO LP 20M50w to a low dipole
AD0HSO HP ALLcontact #122 was deleted
AE1TSA HP ALLWhat wonderful ops and seemed like good conditions for a change
AE6JVSO LP ALL5 band Trapped vertical and 160M dipole
AE8TFSO LP ALLThanks for a fun contest. Perhaps someday I will get a real antenna!
AH2RM2poor propagation to Europe during summer season
AK1WSO HP 20MConditions on 20m were surprisingly good
AK5XSO HP ALLThanks to Bill for loaning his call for the weekend..was great fun Didn't work a AK5, so know it was probably only one on. Conditions were really good on Friday night and all day Saturday. Not so good Sunday....Thanks to all who made it to this great party and to CQ for putting on the show
BI4JCMSO LP 20M2015.11.13
CT1DRBSO LP ALLNice contest as always but lack on time
CT7AFNSO LP 20MNice propagation. TNX to all, 73 de Carlos, CT7AFN
DA0AASO LP ALLJust 24h ... playing with WRTC equipment Hilberling PT-8000A, 100 W Tribander for 10/15/20 & Dipoles for 80/40
DC9ZPSO HP ALLTnx for the Contest. See you next year Vy 73 Manfred, DC9ZP
DF5RFSO QRP ALLAdapted my setup to the low sunspot season, no extra 15/10m beam but a 20m 2el monobander completed the usual settings with 3ele Minibeam, Quad loop on 40m, dipoles on 80m and 160m, connected to a K3 and KX3 @5W. As a monitoring station for 15 and 10m I added my K2 and a 3-band sloper dipole. Thanks to all for the activity!
DF7ZSSA LP ALLA few QSOs with fake serial numbers
DF80FOCChecklogjust for fun with the special Call
DJ2QVSA HP ALLpart time entry only - due to family obligations
DJ3GESO QRP 40MQRP 5 Watt in off-center-fed dipole 21m long, 8m high
DJ3HWSA LP ALLUnfortunately olnly part time participation. Condx not too good
DJ3XASO LP ALLKX3 + KXPA, 100 Watt, Dipol
DJ6TKSO HP ALLIt was only a Test on the higher Bands for me
DJ7ASA LP ALLIC 756, antenna G5RV - indoor


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