We are getting a number of emails from participants of WPX SSB who have submitted their log to the robot and received a blank error response from the robot.  While we work to get this fixed, I will explain how you can work around the problem.

When you send your log to the robot, it is checked for proper formatting according to the Cabrillo specification. If there is a problem, the robot message lists the lines where errors were found. You can read these, correct your log, and resubmit. 

The problem we are having is that the robot reply will stop after the text:

*** Informative Messages from the Contest Robot ***

There is no way for you to know what is wrong.  This only happens when the robot finds a line in the Cabrillo file that it does not know how to process.  Usually this is because the line does not have a Cabrillo tag.

The solution is very simple.  Go to the new logcheck page ( http://www.cqwpx.com/logcheck/ ).  Upload your log (or copy and paste it into the text box).  Be sure to select the correct contest from the drop down.

The logcheck utility will check the format of your log and provide a clear error message for all problems found.  You can edit your log from the web page until you have corrected all of the errors.  You may also see some warning messages.  These are things that will not prevent your log from being accepted, but indicate a possible problem you should check.

When all errors are cleared, the logcheck will offer to submit your log.  Enter your email address and hit the Send Log to Robot button. Your done! 

Check your email inbox for two emails.  One will have a copy of the log file that was submitted.  Save this for your records.  The other will be a new confirmation from the robot. As always, it is a good idea to come back the next day and check that your log appears in the logs received page.

Thank you to Tsvetomir Tishevishki, LZ2FQ, for all of his work in developing the logcheck utility.  It really is the easiest way to submit your log!